Always making something

In 2009 I’d just gotten married and was living in a new-to-me city. While my husband attended school at night, I started making things. At first, I was just occupying time (this was pre-streaming services days!), but it wasn’t long before it became an obsession. Knitting, weaving, sewing, or embroidery, I love fibers and fabric in my hands. I started Calleta Designs so that others could share that same joy with me.

Whether you are a maker like me, or you just like having hand-made things in your hands, I hope you’ll find something here that you love. I like to create things that are as unique as they are versatile — things that can hold your keys for a night out, or your yarn and needles for a night in. If you have any questions about the pieces that you see here, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
